Meslek Yüksekokulu
Grafik Tasarımı Öğretim Görevlisi
Tam ZamanlıEğitim
1992-1996, Lisans
2011-2011, Yüksek Lisans
University of the Arts London, Contemporary Typographic Media
Gold Award
İlk 30 Afiş
Mut Zur Wut, ALMANYA
ilk 10 Afiş
Poster for Tomorrow, FRANSA
Emergency "Uncertainty of Cure" Brief Award Winner
Good 50x70" International Poster Competition, İTALYA
Amnesty International "Poverty" Brief Award Winner
"Good 50x70" International Poster Competition, İTALYA
Birleşmiş Milletler, BELÇİKA
Libera "Action Against Mafias" Brief Award Winner
Good 50x70" International Poster Competition, İTALYA
LILA "Selected Work"
Good 50x70" International Poster Competition, İTALYA
LILA "Freedom to Travel" Brief Award Winner
Good 50x70" International Poster Competition, İTALYA
LILA "Hiv/AIDS" Brief Award Winner
Good 50x70" International Poster Competition, İTALYA
LILA. "Hiv/AIDS" Brief Award Winner
Good 50x70" International Poster Competition, İTALYA
Unicef "Child Labour" Brief Award Winner
Good 50x70" International Poster Competition, İTALYA
Amref "Women's Rights Violation" Brief Award Winner
Good 50x70" International Poster Competition, İTALYA
Amnesty International "War on Terror" Brief Award Winner
Good 50x70" International Poster Competition, İTALYA
Greenpeace "Nuclear emergency" Brief Award Winner
Good 50x70" International Poster Competition, İTALYA
LILA "STDs" Brief Award Winner
Good 50x70" International Poster Competition, İTALYA
Award Winner
EULDA" European Logo Design Annual, İTALYA
BICeBé Bienal del Cartel Bolivia, BOLİVYA
Award Winner
Typoday 2021, HİNDİSTAN
Award Winner
Typoday 2023, HİNDİSTAN
Diploma to the tutor of the winner
Pangram, UKRAYNA
Diploma to the tutor of the winner
Pangram, UKRAYNA
Akademik Yayınlar
İLAD - İletişim Araştırmaları Derneği,
GMK - Grafik Tasarımcılar Meslek Kuruluşu,
İTMK - İletişim Tasarımcıları Meslek Kuruluşu,
Karikatürcüler Derneği,
Ders Adı | Dili | Saat |
Kampanya Görsel Tasarımı | Türkçe | 3 |
Tipografi | Türkçe | 6 |
Deneysel Tipografi | Türkçe | 6 |
Sanatsal Faaliyetler
Design: Research
"Mut zur Wut" Poster Exhibition
"Poster for Tomorrow" International Poster Exhibition
Exp. Type '09
"Poster for Tomorrow" International Poster Exhibition
"Good50x70" International Poster Exhibition
"Good50x70" International Poster Exhibition
İstanbul Tasarım Haftası
Graphic Intervention-25 Years of International AIDS Awareness Posters 1985-2010
Demokrasi Şöleni
9th International Eco-poster Triennial "The 4th Block"
Zero Corruption Conference, Special project of International Eco-Poster Triennial "The 4th Block"
7. Uluslararası Anadolu Tipografi ve Kaligrafi Etkinliği
"Poster for Tomorrow" International Poster Exhibition
INAD / International Art and Design Exhibition 2016
Büyük Buluşma / Güzel Sanatlar ve Tasarım Fakülteleri Öğretim Elemanları Sergisi
5 Haziran Dünya Çevre Günü Afiş Sergisi
Women's Rights Are Human Rights: International Posters for Gender-Based Inequality, Violence and Discrimination
BICeBé Biennial del Cartel Bolivia
“One for all, all for one!” 100 poster to celebrate 70th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
50 afiches en el Parque
11th International Eco-poster Triennial "The 4th Block
Typography Day 2021 "Hope and Typography" Poster Exhibition