Öğretim Elemanı | Elektrik - Elektronik Mühendisliği
Akademik Makaleler
Bir Kalibrasyon Elemanı olarak Küreden Saçılma Probleminin Analitik ve Sayısal Çözümleri
Optimization of Inverse Problems involving Surface Reconstruction: Least Squares Application
LU Based Method of MomentsAlgorithm for 3D Wave Scattering from Arbitrary Shape Objects
Reconstruction of Layered Rough Surfaces Using a Two-Step RTM Scheme
An Inversion Algorithm to Reconstruct Star-Like Penetrable Objects from Scattered Far-Field Pattern
Reconstruction of Rough Surface Profiles using a CNN-enhanced RTM-based Inversion Scheme
Electromagnetic Imaging of Rough Dielectric Surface Profiles using a Single-Frequency Reverse Time Migration Method
A Multi frequency Newton-type iterative scheme to recover a rough surface separating two dielectric media
Electromagnetic Imaging of Random Rough Surface Profiles
Excellence in Electromagnetics
Dönem | Ders Adı | Dili | Saat |
2020-2021 | Fundamentals of Electronic Circuits (EE 127) | İngilizce | 3 |
2019-2020 | Electronics (MF 221) | İngilizce | 3 |
2021-2022 | Circuit Theory - I (ELEC 2201) | İngilizce | 3 |
2021-2022 | Electrical Circuits Laboratory (ELEC 2207) | İngilizce | 2 |
2022-2023 | Graduation Design Project (BMED 4902) | İngilizce | 2 |
2021-2022 | Electrical Circuits (ELEC 2205) | İngilizce | 3 |
2022-2023 | Electrical Circuits Laboratory (ELEC 2309) | İngilizce | 2 |
2022-2023 | Differential Equations (MATH 2107) | İngilizce | 3 |
Dönem | Ders Adı | Dili | Saat |
2022-2023 | Applied Electromagnetics (EE 565) | İngilizce | 3 |