Undergraduate Course Descriptions

Undergraduate Course Descriptions

Course Code
(Old Code)
Course Name Credit
PSYC 1101
(PSY 100)
Introduction to Psychology I (Psikolojiye Giriş I) (3+0+0) 3 credits / 6 ECTS
Introduction to the scientific research methods, scientific criterion and techniques, comparison of the scientific knowledge with other ways of knowing in daily life. Examination of neuroscience, basic biological, motivational, developmental and cognitive processes that underlie behaviors. Definition and examples of perception, thinking, learning, memory, language, creativity, heuristics, communication, behaviors, and emotions. Introduction of basic theoretical perspectives about psychology.
PSYC 1102
(PSY 102)
Introduction to Psychology II (Psikolojiye Giriş II) (3+0+0) 3 credits / 6 ECTS
Introduction to the key concepts, theories, and issues in developmental, personality, social, industrial, clinical, and atypical psychology. Definitions of basic mechanisms underlying the above mentioned processes. Related theories, types and importance of clinical therapies and topics in daily life. Introduction to the logic of designing awareness programs. Student presentations of various sub-disciplines of psychology.
PSYC 1105 History of Modern Psychology (Modern Psikoloji Tarihi) (3+0+0) 3 credits / 6 ECTS
A historical review of the key episodes and figures in the history of psychology. The interplay of theory, methodology and practice in the emergence of today's psychology and its place in contemporary society. Comparison of assumptions related to ontology, epistemology, human nature and research methodologies. Discussion of the mediations between the psychological issues and the socio-political atmosphere. Discussion of the importance of the theories in psychology.
PSYC 2201
(PSY 311)
Research Methods I (Araştırma Yöntemleri I) 2+0+2) 3 credits / 6 ECTS
Application and interpretation of basic psychological research concepts and methods used in psychological research, introduction to the positivistic methodology, experimental design and survey techniques. Basic concepts in experimental and non-experimental research, teaching of concepts in basic statistical techniques, application and interpretation of basic statistical techniques on SPSS program. Application of basic descriptive analyses, correlation, t-test, and anova statistical methods. (Pre-requisite: MATH 231).
PSYC 2202
(PSY 312)
Research Methods II (Araştırma Yöntemleri II) (2+1+2)3 credits / 6 ECTS
Teaching of advanced psychological research concepts and methods, introduction to advanced research techniques, application of advanced research techniques on SPSS program and the interpretation of results. Application of basic regression, multiple regression, chi-square, mediational and moderational analyses. Design and application of simple research projects by students and the presentation of findings as academic posters.
PSYC 2301 Developmental Psychology I (Gelişim Psikolojisi I) (3+0+0) 3 credits / 6 ECTS
Introduction to the research and theories pertaining to the physical, cognitive, social-behavioral, and emotional development of infants and children. Understanding all developmental areas (social-behavioral, physical, perceptual, language and cognitive) from prenatal period to adolescence period. Following and the discussion of the current empirical study findings from a socio-historical, comparative and critical perspective.
PSYC 2501 Foundations of Behavioral Neuroscience (Davranışın Nörobilimsel Temelleri) (3+0+0) 3 credits / 6 ECTS
Introduction to neuroscience. Review of latest studies in the rapidly changing fields of neuroscience and physiological psychology. Examination of the structure and functions of the central nervous system, the brain and their roles in emotional, cognitive and social-behavioral processes. Examination of the neural and anatomic features of the central nervous system. Discussion of the role of technological development in the exploration of recent issues and theory construction. Brief description of neurological screening methods.
PSYC 2502
(PSY 211)
Learning Psychology (Öğrenme Psikolojisi) (3+0+0) 3 credits / 6 ECTS
Introduction to the basic principles of learning processes such as classical conditioning and instrumental conditioning. Description of the theories in the field of learning. Consideration of the application of the conditioning processes within various settings regarding animals and humans. Discussion of various learning theories with emphasis given to experimental studies. Relation the conventional theories to machine learning. Finding and analyzing real-world examples of the principles of learning.
PSYC 2503
(PSY 213)
Cognitive Processes (Bilişsel Süreçler) (3+0+0) 3 credits / 6 ECTS
Introduction to basic topics and research methods in cognitive psychology. Description of the theories explaining various mental phenomena. Understanding of the methodology used in cognitive research. Examination of the cognitive processes in humans such as perception, attention, memory, language, problem solving and intelligence in humans through covering various studies about these cognitive processes. Reading the empirical articles related to cognitive psychology. Discussions on the explanation of cognitive processes that underlie nature/nurture controversy.
PSYC 1103 Introduction to Psychological Professions (Mesleki Psikolojiye Giriş) (2+0+0) 2 credit/ 2 ECTS
Examination of basic concepts, terms and principles in psychological professions. Discussion of the theories, measurement techniques and programs about psychological professions. Learning, application, evaluation, and commenting about the measurement techniques about psychological professions. Examination about the preparation and the implementation of the programs about psychological professions. Examination about the techniques used in individual and group applications in psychological professions.
PSYC 2302 Developmental Psychology II (Gelişim Psikolojisi II) (3+0+0) 3 credit/ 6 ECTS
Review of theories and current empirical research, and examination of biological, social and psychological factors during adolescence. Discussions of adolescence psychology in the light of recent societal changes. Discussions and follow up of contemporary adolescence psychology research. Social relationships with peers and parents in adolescence psychology. Conflicts and coping mechanisms during adolescence.
PSYC 2601
(PSY 342T)
Psychopathology (Psikopatoloji) (3+0+0) 3 credits / 6 ECTS
Understanding and discussion of normal and pathological behavior development from a psychopathological perspective. History of psychopathology. Investigation, classification and treatment of psychopathological disorders. Examination of the problems in treatment processes. Discussion on the criteria of normal/abnormal categorization from a cultural and critical perspective. Comparison of the case studies according to the mentioned criteria. Discussion of anxiety, affective mood, eating and personality disorders in adulthood.
PSYC 3108
(PSY 109)
Ethics in Psychology (Psikolojide Etik) (1+0+0) 1 credits / 1 ECTS
Job description of psychologists. Examination of various ethical codes. Investigation of ethics in research, psychotherapy, and the education of psychology. Investigation of various theoretical approaches from a historical perspective; and the comparison of ontological and epistemological approaches to human (and animal) behavior and research methods. Discussion of cases in various sub-disciplines of psychology, such as developmental, clinical and industrial.
PSYC 3203
(PSY 302)
3203 Presentation and Writing Skills in Psychology (Psikolojide Sunum ve Yazma Becerileri) (3+1+0) 3 credits / 6 ECTS
Improvement and practice of writing and presentation skills through research design in line with the report format required by TÜBİTAK, implementation, analysis of data and discussion of results, writing brief reports and articles on these research results based on American Psychological Association (APA) guidelines/style/format. Preparation of posters reflecting the research design and implementation. Verbal presentation of research design and implementation. (Pre-requisite: PSY 210)
PSYC 3204
(PSY 351)
Measurement Techniques (Ölçme Teknikleri) (3+1+0) 3 credits / 6 ECTS
An introduction to the principles of psychological testing and measurement. Test design, test construction, definitions of validity, test-retest reliability, internal reliability, face validity, content validity, convergent and discriminant validities, basic psychometric analysis, test norming, test administration. The history of measurement and the current state of the art. Introduction to psychological tests used in professional area. Criticism of scientific journal articles based on the method sections.
PSYC 3205 Experimental Psychology (Deneysel Psikoloji) (2+0+2) 3 credits / 6 ECTS
Introduction to the experimental research methods through covering various examples of experiments in different fields of psychology, differentiation of various experimental designs in lab and field settings. Identifying the variables in these examples, conducting experiments and presenting these as verbal or posters in individual or student groups. The application of mostly the cognitive developmental topics such as attention, perception, learning, language, and memory with an experimental research design.
PSYC 3206
(PSY 354)
Observation and Interview Techniques (Gözlem ve Görüşme Teknikleri) (3+1+0)3 / 6 ECTS
Introduction to the principles, skills, and ethical aspects of interviews in clinical and research settings, development of skills such as active listening, attention, evaluation, collecting personal narrative, emphatic behavior and report writing via examination of clinical case studies. Writing a report about clinical psychology applications. Presentation and discussion of student reports from a critical and cultural perspective.
PSYC 3401 Social Psychology I (Sosyal Psikoloji) (3+0+0) 3 credits / 6 ECTS
Understanding behaviors, emotions, and thoughts in the light of own and others' attitudes, prejudice, impression formation, attribution, social cognition, and cultural norms. Examination of social influence, development of norms, leadership, group structure and dynamics. Comparison and discussion of the historically specified concepts and theories in the light of ontological and epistemological assumptions. Detailed review of different theoretical perspectives.
PSYC 3402 Social Psychology II (Sosyal Psikoloji) (3+0+0) 3 credits / 6 ECTS
Examination of advanced research topics in social psychology including attitudes, social cognition, cognitive dissonance, social influence, group processes and interpersonal behavior. Discussion of the emphasis on the immediate social situation, and the interaction between person and situation variables. Investigation of recent empirical and theoretical work in the field of social psychology. Critical discussion of applied and experimental social psychology trends in the literature.
PSYC 3403
(PSY 360)
Introduction to Industrial Psychology (Endüstri Psikolojisine Giriş) (3+0+0) 3 credits / 6 ECTS
Examination of the individual behaviors in organizational settings from a social-psychological perspective; understanding of concepts such as productivity, job satisfaction, motivational and transformational processes in organizational settings; discussion of leaders' learning behaviors and the role of psychologists. Discussions on the relationships between the employer and employee from a critical perspective. The discussion of the evaluation of performances, motivation, leadership, group dynamics, job satisfaction, attitudes of the employers and employees, work-family balance and conflict, and stress in work environment.
PSYC 3602
(PSY 341)
Theories of Personality (Kişilik Kuramları) (3+0+0) 3 credits / 6 ECTS
Introduction to the historical development of personality theories with social, developmental, cognitive, affective and clinical concerns. Exploration of classic theories of personality such as psychoanalytic, behavioral, trait, humanistic, cognitive and social roles theories. Comparison of theories from a critical perspective that considers the definitions of healthy personality development in different cultures. Examination and discussion of contemporary research in personality stability, measurement, and definition.
PSYC 3603
(PSY 340)
Introduction to Clinical Psychology (Klinik Psikolojiye Giriş) (3+0+0) 3 credits / 6 ECTS
Investigation of the past and recent research in clinical psychology. Examination of the basic characteristics of clinical evaluation and psychotherapies implemented in clinical intervention. Discussion of observation and interview techniques, importance of research, measurement and ethical principles from a clinical psychology perspective. Introduction to the basic features of forensic and health psychology, child clinical psychology, and other clinical fields. Discussion of prerequisites for becoming a clinical psychologist.
PSYC 3604
(PSY 372)
Health Psychology (Sağlık Psikolojisi) (3+0+0) 3 credits / 6 ECTS
Introduction to definitions of health and disease. Descriptions of major health psychology topics such as health promotion, stress, social support, coping skills, nutrition, exercise, weight control, substance abuse, pain, chronic and acute illnesses, and treatment methods. Exploration of theories in health psychology. Examination of theories and research methods in modern health psychology.
Course Code
(Old Code)
Course Name Credit
PSYC 2107 Reading in Psychology II
Reading of advanced psychological research articles. Literature search in one of the subfields of psychology, collection and summary of articles. Access to academic journals and books in the Library and Google Scholar. Reading and synthesis of various articles and book chapters. Summary of journals' discussion sections and its analysis with a critical perspective. Literature search in a chosen subject and its analysis.
PSYC 1104 Networking in Psychological Professions (Psikolojide Mesleki Ağ Oluşturma) (2+0+0) 2 credit/ 2 ECTS
Examination of the definition of psychological professions. Gathering the students, academic institution, academicians, professional institution and psychologist to form the professional information networking in psychology. Knowing the psychology student networks. Examination of the professional associations and the requirements for the membership to these associations. Knowing the technological applications, techniques, and information to form networking in psychological professions.
PSYC 2106 Reading in Psychology I
Understanding of essential information in reading articles and books in psychological research. Reading, summarizing, and interpretation of essential psychological reading from different fields. Reading and understanding of classical research papers in psychology. Distinction and discussion of various themes in various sections of articles. Descriptions of psychological constructs and terms in journal articles. Writing of various articles sections such as abstract and references.
PSYC 4205
(PSY 455)
Program Development and Evaluation (Program Geliştirme ve Değerlendirme) (3+1+0) 3 credits / 5 ECTS
Development of an experimental, non-experimental or quasi-experimental psychological program including design implementation and evaluation processes. Choice of criterion, definition of norms, scale development, need identification, program sustainability, and qualitative evaluation techniques, report writing, discussions on reflexivity, transferability, thematic analysis, follow up studies in a qualitative approach, need assessment and program development. Understanding problems in the process of program development and solving them. Ethical principles and violations. (Pre-requisite: PSY 214)
PSYC 3303
(PSY 332)
Moral Development (Ahlak Gelişimi) (3+0+0) 3 credits / 5 ECTS
Introducing and discussing the main concepts and theories in moral psychology. Review of theories and research in relation to moral development of children and adolescents. Following and discussing the current empirical study findings about moral psychology. Applying the information and explaining how to support the moral development of the individuals.
PSYC 4304
(PSY 431)
Selected Topics in Developmental Psychology (Gelişim Psikolojisinde Seçme Konular) (3+0+0) 3 credits / 5 ECTS
Introduce and discuss the main concepts and theories in developmental psychology. Examination of topics such as parenting attitudes, attachment styles, gender and moral development. Follow and discuss the current empirical study findings. Examine the social and behavioral developmental processes in early childhood. Apply the information about all the developmental periods to developmental areas and explain how to support the development of the individual.
PSYC 4305
(PSY 432)
Project on Applied Developmental Psychology (Uygulamalı Gelişim Psikolojisinde Proje) (3+1+0) 3 credits / 5 ECTS
Explanation of the information about all the developmental periods and how to promote individual development. Implementation of a research in applied developmental psychology on topics such as biological, cognitive, personality or social development with an emphasis on the cultural environment. Dissemination of research findings via written reports and verbal presentation. (Pre-requisite: PSY 231, junior or senior position)
PSYC 4306
(PSY 334)
Educational Psychology (Eğitim Psikolojisi) (3+0+0) 3 credits / 5 ECTS
Discussion of the application of psychological principles to elementary and middle school education. The study of the learner and the learning process in educational settings, the effectiveness of educational interventions, the psychology of teaching, and the social psychology of schools. Understanding the basic concepts and theories of educational psychology and examining related research. Introduction to aims and philosophies in education, cognitive perspective, behavioural perspective, development, motivation, individual differences.
PSYC 4404
(PSY 421)
Selected Topics in Social psychology (Sosyal Psikolojide Seçme Konular) (3+0+0) 3 credits / 5 ECTS
Interpretation and discussion of topics on up-to-date social psychological research such as interpersonal relationships, intergroup processes, social cognition, self, cognitive dissonance, culture, social media. Gaining competence in one of the sub-topics of social psychology and preparation of a project; in-class presentation. Discussion of the project, its results and report the writing.
PSYC 4405
(PSY 321)
Culture, Family and Gender (Kültür, Aile ve Toplumsal Cinsiyet) (3+0+0) 3 credits / 5 ECTS
Comparison of social, cultural, institutional conceptualizations of gender. The interrelationships between theory, research methods and techniques in gender construction. Examination of researches in the area. Students' multidisciplinary understanding and discussion of gender issues and students' critical and analytical thinking ability to address complex gender and local-cultural issues during presentations of gender related empirical studies within different contexts.
PSYC 4406
(PSY 425)
Cross-Cultural Psychology (Kültürler Arası Psikoloji) (3+0+0) 3 credits / 5 ECTS
Exploration of the influence of cultural, socio-economic, and political practices on personal and relational behaviors of humans. Examination of behavior and experience as it occurs in different cultures, how culture and psychological phenomena co-create each other, how psychological phenomena are modified by that culture. Discussion of approaches in measurment of psychological constructs in different cultures and psychological disorders specific for some cultures. Exploration of studies about cultural differences. (Pre-requisite: Junior or senior position)
PSYC 4407
(PSY 320)
igration and Psychology (Göç ve Psikoloji) (3+0+0) 3 credits / 5 ECTS
Examination of the phenomenon of global human migration. Examination migration impact on the local reality and family dynamics and inter- and intra-ethnic tensions. Exploration of concepts relevant to psychology that define specific needs and issues facing immigrants and refugees in educational and clinical contexts. Investigation of immigrant resilience or discrimination in the social context of reception and acculturation.
PSYC 4408
(PSY 322)
Communication (İletişim) (3+0+0) 3 credits / 5 ECTS
Introducing current literature of psychological communication and following related research methods. Teaching of the functions of various communication tools such as language and body language. Examination of individual, environmental, and cultural factors on communication. Exploration of factors that increase the development of communication. Preparation of a project in this field, inclass presentation and explaining and reporting of findings.
PSYC 4409
(PSY 323)
Urban Psychology (Kent Psikolojisi) (3+0+0) 3 credits / 5 ECTS
Examination of critical issues for urban psychology; intergroup relations, cultural diversity, accultration and ethnic identity, aging, gender, stigmatized groups, SES and family structure, unemployment, poverty, crime and violence, homelessness, substance abuse, urban and mental health, globalization, crowding, terrorism, intervention and empowerment opportunities, neighborhood influences on youth development, parenting practices, resilience of families, urban schools, voluntary associations, health promotion.
PSYC 4410
(PSY 343)
Psychology and Law (Psikoloji ve Hukuk) (3+0+0) 3 credits / 5 ECTS
Exploration of legal cases relevant to psychology, police psychology, expert testimony, forensic psychological assessment, psychopathy and juveniles pushed to crime. Examining ethical issues in working in the juvenile justice system. Discussion of legal and clinical arenas, mental health, legal -public policies and work. Teaching legal concept that psychologists work and the roles of forensic psychologists in legal system.
PSYC 4510
(PSY 316)
Perception (Algı) (3+0+0) 3 credits / 5 ECTS
Examination of the biological and psychological roots of sensation and perception through covering various theories. Cover different methodologies and findings mainly in the study of visual and auditory perception. Explaining subjective experiences and the interaction between perception and environmental factors. Discussion of how we take in sensory information from our environment and use that information in order to interact with our environment. Analysis of the applications of perceptual processes to everyday examples.
PSYC 4511
(PSY 313)
Evolutionary Psychology (Evrimsel Psikoloji) (3+0+0) 3 credits / 5 ECTS
Introduction to the mechanisms of the evolutionary change. Examination of the historical bases and the principles of evolutionary theory. Examination of the evolutionary roots of cognition, social behavior, language, emotions and culture. Review the influence of physical and psychological predispositions that helped human ancestors survive and reproduce. Examination how the brain and body of the animal are composed of mechanisms designed to work together to facilitate success in environments.
PSYC 4512
(PSY 310)
Neuropsychologial Tests (Nöropsikolojik Testler) (3+0+0) 3 credits / 5 ECTS
Discussion of basic research methods and approaches in neuropsychology. Explaining the neuropsychological evaluation and steps in the standardization of neuropsychological tests. Application and scoring of neuropsychological tests. Explaining the cognitive processes and related neurological structures through the use of neuropsychological tests. Discussion of a comprehensive understanding of an individual's strengths and impairments. Examination of customized recommendations for therapy, treatments, educational assistance, and medications. (Pre-requisite: PSY 250)
PSYC 4605
Selected Topics in Clinical Psychology (Klinik Psikolojide Seçme Konular) (3+0+0) 3 credits / 5 ECTS
Examination of literature, basic techniques, and principles in clinical psychology research. Discussion of intervention to psychological trauma and traumatic events, violence, and depression. Examination of daily life events and mental health policies. Discussion on the prevention and treatment of psychological disorders that influence individuals, couples, families, cultures, and diverse communities. Review of empirical results gathered from research studies that guide practitioners in developing effective interventions and techniques. Pre-requisite: PSYC 2601
PSYC 4606
Studies in Clinical Psychology (Klinik Psikoloji Çalışmaları) (3+1+0) 3 credits / 5 ECTS
Observation and discussion of certain cases in clinical settings along with clinical, health and forensic psychology. Review of recently published research, design, implementation, and evaluation of a clinical research project. Comparison of grounded theory, interpretative phenomenological analysis, text interpretation, thematic coding. Use of preconceived categories in the analysis with a focus on the individual case without reference to a comparison group. (Pre-requisite: PSY 347)
PSYC 4607
Intra-Family Relations and Therapy Techniques (Aile içi İlişkiler ve Terapi Teknikleri) (3+0+0) 3 credits / 5 ECTS
Examination of historical development of family therapies: the cultural landscape, key people, places, and events. Discuss how family therapists aim to aid people in improving communication, solving family problems, understanding and handling family situations, and creating a better functioning home environment. Identify emotions, evaluation research, therapy process research, family theory. (Pre-requisite: PSY 347)
PSYC 4608
Psychology of Atypical Children (Atipik Çocuklar Psikoljisi) (3+0+0) 3 credits / 5 ECTS
A brief overview of how atypical children are perceived and treated by society. Investigation of chronic dysfunctional behaviors and causes of mental illness in children and adolescents. Defining the interaction between behavioral genetics, attachment problems, lack of adaptation and cognitive, biological, behavioral and environmental components within the framework of problems. Definition of characteristics of atypical children; inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.
PSYC 4609
(PSY 446)
Introduction to School Psychology (Okul Psikolojisine Giriş) (3+0+0) 3 credits / 5 ECTS
Study of theoretical and practical research related to children's school experiences. Identification of relationships with teachers, peers and parents. Detection of school-related problems including bullying, aggression and violence in school settings and preventive programs. Discussions on how the basic education and training of school psychologists prepares them to provide a range of psychological diagnosis, assessment, intervention, prevention, health promotion. Examination of program development and evaluation services with a special focus on the developmental processes of children and youth within the context of schools, families and other systems. (Pre-requisite: PSY 231)
PSYC 4610
(PSY 345)
Psychological Tests (Psikolojik Testler) (3+0+0) 3 kredi / 5 AKTS
An introduction to theories and principles of psychological testing and measurement. Exploration of types of measurement scales and scoring. Examination of classical and modern testing theories; validity and reliability issues in measurement. Review of various types of psychological tests. Examination of particular tests, such as the Rorschach, TAT, WAIS, and MMPI. Discussion on the social and ethical issues involved in psychological assessment.
PSYC 4611
(PSY 411)
Psychopharmacology (Psikofarmakoloji) (3+0+0) 3 credits / 5 ECTS
Discussion of the use of drugs in the treatment of psychopathology. Emphasis on neurobiological processes underlying psychopathology and pharmacological intervention, drugs currently in use as well as new drugs that affect mood, behaviour and cognition. Review of the actions and effects of such drugs, which may include treatments for psychiatric disorders as well as substances that can be abused, development, strategies, techniques, issues and challenges of clinical psychopharmacological research. (Pre-requisite: PSYC 2601)
PSYC 4612
Psychological Dependence (Psikolojik Bağımlılık) (3+0+0) 3 credits / 5 ECTS
Investigation of various types of psychological dependency and its behavioral, social and biological bases. Definition of changes in brain chemicals, emotional states, motivations, irritability, anxiety that occur after using a substance and also when withdrawing from the substance or activity of dependence. Discussion on psychological and theoretical models explaining causes and continuation of dependency, and interventions of support and treatment. (Pre-requisite: PSY 347; junior or senior position)
PSYC 4613 Introduction to Psychotherapy Techniques (Psikoterapi tekniklerine Giriş) (3+0+0) 3 credits / 5 ECTS
Introduction to various theories and their applications in psychotherapy; A review of the basic patterns of Psychotherapy methods from a historical perspective; introduction to case formulation; identification of the differences between the therapist-client relationships with respect to various schools; case discussions related to various approaches to psychotherapy; role playing; interactive discussions focusing on psychotherapy skills
PSYC 4614 Psychological Trauma (Psikolojik Travma) (3+0+0) 3 credits / 5 ECTS
Introduction to various theories and their applications in psychotherapy; A review of the basic patterns of Psychotherapy methods from a historical perspective; introduction to case formulation; identification of the differences between the therapist-client relationships with respect to various schools; case discussions related to various approaches to psychotherapy; role playing; interactive discussions focusing on psychotherapy skills
PSYC 4411
(PSY 423)
Interpersonal Relationships (Kişilerarası İlişkiler) (3+0+0) 3 credits / 5 ECTS
Investigation of various approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of problems and traumatic experiences of individuals such as disaster, terminal illness, war, torture, rape and violence .
PSYC 4412
(PSY 422)
Project on Applied Social Psychology (Uygulamalı Sosyal Psikolojide Proje) (3+1+0) 3 credits / 5 ECTS
Introduction of essential concepts and methods in applied social psychology. Teaching of codes of pratice. Design of a short-term applied project sessions in the field of social psychology and identification of project with academic advisor supervising. Exploration and discussion of application sessions each week. Application of a short-term project and discussion of findings. Reporting the project findings and poster presentation. (Pre-requisite: PSY 221, junior or senior position)
PSYC 4413
(PSY 424)
Project on Experimental Social Psychology (Deneysel Sosyal Psikolojide Proje) (2+0+2) 3 credits / 5 ECTS
Introduction to main experimental research methods in social psychology. Interpretation and discussion of research conducted in experimental settings. Planning an experimental research on prejudice, stereotyping, interpersonal attraction, impression making, helping, conflict and aggression. Design and application of an experiment in the field of social psychology. Analysis and interpretation of the project findings. Discussion of research projects in class and their presentation as academic posters. (Pre-requisite: PSY 221, junior or senior position)
PSYC 4414
(PSY 461)
Selected Topics in Industrial Psychology (Endüstri Psikolojisinde Seçme Konular) (3+0+0) 3 credits / 5 ECTS
Examination of literature, basic techniques, and principles in industrial psychology research. Discussion of various research techniques and theories in industrial psychology. Investigation of various topics such as leadership, competence management, teamwork, motivation, strategies, change management, climate, compensation, conflict, creativity, culture, decision making, discrimination, fairness, job design, job performance, organizational commitment, personal selection and placement. (Pre-requsite: PSY 360)
PSYC 4415
(PSY 462)
Studies in Industrial Psychology (Endüstri Psikolojisi Çalışmaları) (3+1+0) 3 credits / 5 ECTS
Examining an in-depth understanding of human behaviour at work, how organizations affect individual behavior and interaction between organizations. Student designs, implementation, interpretation and evaluation of research on organizational behaviour, stress, burn-out, turnover, unemployment, wellness in job contexts, professional identity, citizenship behavior, emotions, performance assessment, employee testing and employee characteristics under the supervision of a faculty member. (Pre-requisite: PSY 210, PSY 360)
PSYC 4416
(PSY 464)
Organizational Behavior Analysis (Örgütlerde Davranış Analizi) (3+0+0) 3 credits / 5 ECTS
Review of the inter-relationships between the individual, the group within his/her organization and the organization within the rest of the societal system. Introducing theories that explain employee behaviors. Training and development within the job context, employee selection, ergonomics and organizational development. Emphasize how this information can be used to increase the productivity and efficiency that will eventually help to achieve the goals of the organization as a whole via case studies. (Pre-requisite: PSY 360)
PSYC 4504
(PSY 310)
Neuropsychology (Nöropsikoloji) (3+0+0) 3 credits / 5 ECTS
Probing the foundations of neuropsychology, examination of the links between the neural system and the cognitive processes such as sensation, perception and memory. Cover the basic research methods and various studies in neuropsychology. Introduce neuropsychological measurement and testing methods. Relating the neuropsychological issues to dementia, cognitive disorders, brain damage. Discussions on the links between the brain and mind, connectionism and mass action. (Pre-requisite: PSY 252)
PSYC 3505
(PSY 314)
Physiological Psychology (Fizyolojik Psikoloji) (3+0+0) 3 credits / 5 ECTS
Analysis of the central nervous system, origins of physiological psychology, information processing and decision making. Describe the functioning of the nervous system on learning, thinking, reasoning and memory. Emphasis on physiological aspects of perception, attention, learning, memory, motor functions, emotion, sleep, motivation, arousal, language development, sexual behavior, instictive behavior and chronobiology. Comparison between biological psychology, cognitive psychology, neuroscience and consciousness.
PSYC 4506
(PSY 315)
Cognition and Emotion (Biliş ve Duygu) (3+0+0) 3 credits / 5 ECTS
Introduction of the basic principles underlying the cognitive and emotional processes. Explaining neurological and biological basis of cognition and emotion. Examination the effect of environmental factors on cognition and emotion. Coverage of theories and research findings on the nature of emotions, relationships with cognition, effects on memory and decision processes. Explanation of the relationship between cultural and different environmental factors, emotion and cognition. (Pre-requisite: PSY 252)
PSYC 4507
(PSY 415)
Research in Cognitive Psychology (Bilişsel Psikolojide Araştırma) (3+1+0) 3 credits / 5 ECTS
Identify human brain working system. Studying relevant literatüre. Discuss the current empirical study findings. Developing new ways of helping people deal with psychological difficulties. Conducting research on cognition and emotion. Designing the research. Preparing the research materials. Data collection. Data analysis. Presenting the results with a written report or verbal presentation. Introduce the basic techniques and principles in cognitive psychology researches. (Pre-requisite: PSY 210, PSY 252)
PSYC 4508
(PSY 430)
Language and Concept Development (Dil ve Kavram Gelişimi) (3+0+0) 3 credits / 5 ECTS
Examnation of theoretical issues and research on the acquisition of language, the relationship between cognitive and linguistic development. Coverage of the biological and social bases of language acquisition, and the theories about the development of the components of language (i.e. phonology, lexicon, morphology and syntax). Getting familiar with studies examining the relationship between language and cognition, language development in special populations such as deaf children, bilinguals, and children with developmental disorders. (Pre-requisite: PSY 252, junior or senior position)
PSYC 4509
(PSY 470)
Introduction to Psycholinguistics (Psikolinguistiğe Giriş) (3+0+0) 3 credits / 5 ECTS
Introduction of relationship between mind and language and biological foundations of language. Examination of the processes of language development in humans from a psycholinguistic perspective through covering different linguistic structures, language modalities, linguistic skills, and the differences between language and other communication systems. Discussions on what knowledge of language is needed for us to use language and what cognitive processes are involved in the ordinary use of language. (Pre-requisite: PSY 252)
PSYC 4801 Introduction to Applied Psychotherapy (Uygulamalı Psikoterapiye Giriş) (3+0+0) 3 credits / 5 ECTS
Introduction to various theories and their applications in psychotherapy; A review of the basic patterns of Psychotherapy methods from a historical perspective; introduction to case formulation; identification of the differences between the therapist-client relationships with respect to various schools; case discussions related to various approaches to psychotherapy; role playing; interactive discussions focusing on psychotherapy skills
PSYC 4802 Introduction to Group Therapy Techniques (Grup Terapi tekniklerine Giriş) (3+0+0) 3 credits / 5 ECTS
Introduction to group therapy techniques; group development; group dynamics; theories in relation to group guidance; leadership styles, techniques, and roles; ethical issues related to group interventions.
PSYC 4803 Introduction to Music Therapy (Musik Terapisine Giriş) (3+0+0) 3 credits / 5 ECTS
Evidence-based music therapy and its use in today's health system, history of music medicine and music therapy, areas where music therapy is used, differentiation of music therapy from other ways of the therapeutic use of music and its theoretical base, case examples, videos and workshops.
PSYC 4804 Introduction to Psycho-oncology (Psiko-onkolojiye Giriş) (3+0+0) 3 credits / 5 ECTS
Exploration of types of measurement scales and scoring; classical and modern testing theories; validity and reliability issues in measurement. Review of various types of psychological tests. Examination of particular tests, such as the Rorschach, WAIS, and MMPI and discussion on the social and ethical issues involved in psychological assessment.
PSYC 4805 Advances in Neuroscience (Sinirbilimdeki Gelişmeler) (3+0+0) 3 credits / 5 ECTS
Introduce the students to recent topics in neuroscience related with cognitive research, neuropsychiatric diseases and imaging methods. Presentation and discussion of most recent research on various neuropsychiatric condiitons such as ADHD, OCD, Schizophrenia, Dementia, Autism, Bipolar disorder, personality disorders, etc. Common imaging methods such as EEG and MRI.
PSYC 4901 Project (Proje) (3+0+0) 3 credits / 5 ECTS
Final year project applied in a sub-field of psychology. Identification of a topic, relevant variables and implementation of the research or complete a review paper on a chosen topic in psychoogy
PSYC 4902 Clinical Internship (Klinik Staj) (0+0+0) 0 credit / 2 ECTS
Voluntary internship in clinical psychology. Observation of therapist patient interaction. Supervised interview with a patient, preparation of a reaction paper and a final report.

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