Program Outcomes

    The objectives of this program are to educate future managers and potential graduate students who;

  1. Comprehend the basic functions of management science and apply these functions in both local and global business settings,
  2. Have an understanding of interdisciplinary perspective to accomodate to global business world,
  3. Are capable to collaborate effectively in a team and have an ability in both verbal and written communication,
  4. Are aware of ethical and sociable responsibility issues in competitive environment.
    A graduate of this program should:
  1. Comprehend how to plan, organize, lead and control within an organizational setting.
  2. Integrate the theories with the real life functions.
  3. Communicate and present ideas effectively in verbal and written.
  4. Participate in a team work effectively and increase the dynamics of the team.
  5. Use computer-based technology and related packaged software.
  6. Consider the principal laws that provide the legal framework for business.
  7. Hold a basic knowledge about accounting methods and their applications in business world.
  8. Apply financial analysis techniques within a business environment.
  9. Identify the functions of marketing and their applications to business.
  10. Utilize basic quantitative analysis and their applications in the business world.
  11. Apply basic principles of business processes and project management techniques.
  12. Utilize the skills and techniques of data collection for problem solving and decision making.
  13. Achieve an interdisciplinary point of view.
  14. Have the consciousness of business ethics and social responsibility issues.