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Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
CORE0101History of Turkish Republic I22
CORE0103Turkish I22
ENGL1201General English I34
GİTA1109Introduction to Visual Communication Design34
ORDE0108Büyük Eserler (Major Works)23
ORDE0201Nature, Science, Human I35
ORDE0301Numbers, Formulas, Human I35
ORDE0501Art, Society, Human23
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:2029
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
CORE0102History of Turkish Republic II22
CORE0104Turkish II22
ENGL1202General English II34
GİTA1112Visual Thinking and Expression35
ORDE0106Career Planning01
ORDE0202Nature, Science, Human II35
ORDE0401Society, Science and Human34
ORDE0402Ethics, Law and Society23
SİNE1111Basic Photography35
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:2131
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
GİTA1105Basic Design in Computer I35
GİTA1901Basic Graphic Design I36
GİTA2101Typography I35
GİTA2106History of Design35
GİTA2109Communication and Media Theories35
ORDE0107Creative Thinking and Problem Solving23
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:1729
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
GİTA1106Basic Design in Computer II35
GİTA1902Basic Graphic Design II36
GİTA2102Typography II35
GİTA2110User Experience and Interaction Design35
GİTA2112Introduction to Coding and Al35
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:1831
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
GİTA_AE_IAlan İçi Seçmeli Ders35
GİTA_GE_IGenel Seçmeli Ders35
GİTA2911Project I35
GİTA3107Motion Graphic Design34
GİTA31093D Modelling34
GİTA3111Generative Al and Programming35
GİTA3921Sectoral Internship I02
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:1830
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
GİTA_AE_IIAlan İçi Seçmeli Ders35
GİTA_GE_IIGenel Seçmeli Ders35
GİTA2902Project II36
GİTA3103User Interface Design35
GİTA31103D Animation35
GİTA4106Video and Sound Design34
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:1830
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
GİTA_AE_IIIAlan İçi Seçmeli Ders35
GİTA_GE_IIIGenel Seçmeli Ders35
GİTA3913Project III37
GİTA4103Design and Entrepreneurship34
GİTA4107Extended Reality Technologies36
GİTA4921Sektör Stajı II03
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:1530
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
GİTA_AE_IVAlan İçi Seçmeli Ders35
GİTA_AE_VAlan İçi Seçmeli Ders35
GİTA_GE_IVGenel Seçmeli Ders35
GİTA_GE_VGenel Seçmeli Ders35
GİTA4992Graduation Project310
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:1530

Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
CORE0101History of Turkish Republic I22
CORE0103Turkish I22
ENGL1201General English I34
GİTA1109Introduction to Visual Communication Design34
ORDE0108Büyük Eserler (Major Works)23
ORDE0201Nature, Science, Human I35
ORDE0301Numbers, Formulas, Human I35
ORDE0501Art, Society, Human23
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:2029
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
CORE0102History of Turkish Republic II22
CORE0104Turkish II22
ENGL1202General English II34
GİTA1110Life Drawing35
ORDE0106Career Planning01
ORDE0202Nature, Science, Human II35
ORDE0401Society, Science and Human34
ORDE0402Ethics, Law and Society23
SİNE1111Basic Photography35
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:2131
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
GİTA1105Basic Design in Computer I35
GİTA1901Basic Graphic Design I36
GİTA2101Typography I35
GİTA2106History of Design35
GÖRS3351Art in the Modern Period35
ORDE0107Creative Thinking and Problem Solving23
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:1729
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
GİTA1106Basic Design in Computer II35
GİTA1902Basic Graphic Design II36
GİTA2102Typography II35
GİTA2103Digital Media35
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:1831
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
GİTA2901Project I36
GİTA31043D Modelling and Animation34
GİTA3105Motion Graphic Design I34
GİTA3911Sectoral Internship I01
GİTA-AE-IArea Elective-I35
GİTA-AE-IIArea Elective-II35
GİTA-GE-IGeneral Elective-I35
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:1830
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
GİTA2902Project II36
GİTA3103User Interface Design35
GİTA3106Motion Graphic Design II34
GİTA-AE-IIIArea Elective-III35
GİTA-GE-IIGeneral Elective-II35
GİTA-GE-IIIGeneral Elective-III35
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:1830
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
GİTA3901Project III37
GİTA4101Project Development and Practice35
GİTA4103Design and Entrepreneurship34
GİTA4105Interactive Media Design34
GİTA4911Sectoral Internship II01
GİTA-AE-IVArea Elective-IV35
GİTA-GE-IVGeneral Elective-IV35
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:1831
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
GİTA4102Portfolio Design35
GİTA4990Graduation Project39
GİTA-AE-VArea Elective-V35
GİTA-AE-VIArea Elective-VI35
GİTA-GE-VGeneral Elective-V35
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:1529

Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
ENGL1201General English I34
GİTA1101Life Drawing I34
GİTA1105Basic Design in Computer I35
GİTA1107Introduction to Visual Communication Design33
GİTA1107Introduction to Visual Communication Design33
GİTA1901Basic Graphic Design I36
SİNE1111Basic Photography35
TARH1101History of Turkish Republic I22
TURK1201Turkish I22
TURK1201Turkish I22
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:2736
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
BİTE1001Computer Literacy01
ENGL1202General English II34
GİTA1102Life Drawing II34
GİTA1106Basic Design in Computer II35
GİTA1108Basic Typography35
GİTA1902Basic Graphic Design II36
TARH1102History of Turkish Republic II22
TURK1202Turkish II22
TURK1202Turkish II22
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:2131
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
ENGL2203General English 3A34
GİTA2101Typography I35
GİTA2103Digital Media35
GİTA2106History of Design35
GİTA2107Studio Photography35
GİTA2901Project I36
GÖRS3351Art in the Modern Period35
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:2135
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
ENGL2204General English 4A34
GİTA2102Typography II35
GİTA-AE-IArea Elective-I35
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:1219
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
GİTA3101Motion Graphic Design I35
GİTA3101Motion Graphic Design I35
GİTA3103User Interface Design35
GİTA3901Project III37
GİTA3911Sectoral Internship I01
GİTA-AE-IIArea Elective-II35
GİTA-GE-IGeneral Elective-I35
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:1934
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
GİTA2902Project II36
GİTA3102Motion Graphic Design II35
GİTA3102Motion Graphic Design II35
GİTA31043D Modelling and Animation34
GİTA3902Project IV37
GİTA-AE-IIIArea Elective-III35
GİTA-GE-IIGeneral Elective-II35
GİTA-GE-IIIGeneral Elective-III35
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:2442
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
GİTA4101Project Development and Practice35
GİTA4103Design and Entrepreneurship34
GİTA4105Interactive Media Design34
GİTA4901Project V37
GİTA4911Sectoral Internship II01
GİTA-AE-IVArea Elective-IV35
GİTA-GE-IVGeneral Elective-IV35
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:1831
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
GİTA4102Portfolio Design35
GİTA4990Graduation Project39
GİTA-AE-VArea Elective-V35
GİTA-AE-VIArea Elective-VI35
GİTA-GE-VGeneral Elective-V35
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:1529