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Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences

We are creating a Technology Driven, Applied and Innovative
Faculty of Administrative and Social Sciences.

Prof. Dr. Aslı Şen Taşbaşı, Water4Reuse COST Aksiyonu'nda Yer Aldı
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Prof. Dr. Aslı Şen Taşbaşı, Water4Reuse COST Aksiyonu'nda Yer Aldı
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Prof. Dr. Aslı Şen Taşbaşı, Water4Reuse COST Aksiyonu'nda Yer Aldı
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Prof. Dr. Aslı Şen Taşbaşı, Water4Reuse COST Aksiyonu'nda Yer Aldı
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Faculty Position-The Department of International Relations
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Wednesday Seminars
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Political Representation of Minorities: A Comparison of the Greek-Orthodox (Romioi)
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About the Faculty

The mission of our faculty is to educate leaders who can understand the economic, social, managerial and behavioral impacts of these technological developments and manage this transformation with reference to the key technological trends shaping the present and future.

Our vision is to create the technology and application-oriented social sciences faculty of the 21st century. 

Dean Prof. Dr. Serhat Koloğlugil


Miray Teke Sales and Marketing in IT Sector Miray's Story

Miray Teke Sales and Marketing in IT Sector Miray's Story

Kaan Olcay Digital Media Product Management Kaan's Story

Kaan Olcay Digital Media Product Management Kaan's Story

Elif Taş Energy Markets Analysis Elif's Story

Elif Taş Energy Markets Analysis Elif's Story

Mader Bilgen Psychology Education and Career Opportunities Mader's Story

Mader Bilgen Psychology Education and Career Opportunities Mader's Story

Nilsu Tetik Digital Organization Management Nilsu's Story

Nilsu Tetik Digital Organization Management Nilsu's Story