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Textile and Fashion Design Program

The aim of the program, established in line with Işık University’s vision and core values, is to educate students as creative, cultured, visionary, and responsible individuals who can take on roles in the national and international fashion and textile industries.

The department’s well-equipped sewing, weaving, printing, jewelry/accessory, and computer workshops provide students with the technical infrastructure and working environment necessary to gain the experience and knowledge required in their professional careers.

Students take practical courses such as Basic Design Education, Vocational Basic Design Education, Pattern Design, Fashion Design, Weaving Design, and Printing Design, along with accompanying technical courses such as Technical Drawing, Draping, and Sewing. Additionally, they study theoretical courses that contribute to their design vision and cultural background, including Fashion History, Fashion Marketing, Artwork and Analysis, and Ancient Turkish Fabrics. Through a combination of theory, practice, technique, history, and culture, they fully integrate the discipline of design.

Graduates of the Textile and Fashion Design Department can work as independent designers or as designers in companies specializing in fashion, weaving, print/fabric pattern design, and jewelry/accessory design. They may also pursue careers as fashion writers and consultants or work in the retail sector as product managers, creative directors, brand managers, buyers, marketers, and quality control specialists, becoming sought-after professionals in the industry.


"Textile products, which are an inseparable part of our lives and continuously renew themselves to make us feel good, are crowned by the achievements of our creative, talented, young textile and fashion designers. Let us not forget that, according to William Morris (1834-1896), an aesthetically pleasing environment created through textiles enhances people's labor and productivity."

Assoc. Prof. Ayşe Günay
Head of the Textile and Fashion Design Department
FMV Işık University