February 2022 Exit Exam Results

February 2022 Exit Exam Results

"If you see "FRESH" on your status, it means you have passed PREP year. You should contact the Student Affairs and/or your Faculty secretary for the next step asap.

If you see "PREP" on your status, it means you are a PREP student. You can start your lessons according to the weekly schedule that will be shared with you.

Your online synchronous and asynchronous lessons will be on https://isikuniversity.mrooms.net and https://www.cambridgeone.org platforms. 
Detailed information about this will be given in class by your advisor teachers.

  Number Reading Listening Writing Speaking TOTAL Status
1 22PSYC1088 70 88 78 96 83 FRESH
2 22SOFT1072 100 94 100 92 97 FRESH
3 22MISY1049 85 absent absent absent 21 PREP
4 22SOFT1075 absent absent 70 96 42 PREP
5 22BMED1038 absent absent absent 92 23 PREP
6 22BUSI1063 absent absent absent 84 21 PREP

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