September 2024 International Students English Exams

September 2024 International Students English Exams

International Students English Exams:

Placement Exam:
Date: 07 October 2024, Monday
Time: 11:00
Location: SFL Building, Room 223

This exam is held to determine the students' English proficiency levels. Students who pass the exam will be eligible to take the English Proficiency Exam. Those who fail will be placed in the Preparatory Program.

Proficiency Exam:

Written Part:
Date: 08 October 2024, Tuesday
Time: 11:00
Location: SFL Building, Room 223

Speaking Part:
Date: 09 October 2024, Wednesday
Time: Information will be sent to students via Işık emails on 08 Octorber, in the afternoon.
Location: Online over MS Teams (lasts approximately 10 minutes)

For more detailed information about the exams, you can visit this link:  Işık University SFL Exams

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