“Social Implications of Belief and Disbelief in Free Will: A Study Based on a Replication of Libet Experiment” Assoc. Prof. Serhat Koloğlugil (with M. Peker Booth, R. Booth, O. Erözden and T. Çakar). (in progress).
“Factors Determining the Income Levels and Career Processes of Fresh University Graduates in Turkey.” Assoc. Prof. Dr. Serhat Koloğlugil, Dr. Faculty Member Özlem İnanç, Dr. Faculty Member Bilgen Susanlı. 2017-2019.
“A Conceptual Works Council Modelling for Turkey with Special Reference to the Relevant EU Directives”, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aslı Şen-Taşbaşı (Researcher), Işık University Scientific Research Projects, No: 15B301. 2016-2018.
“Shared Use of Digital Resources and Free/Open-Source Software (F/OOSD): An Institutionalist Approach.” TÜBİTAK 1001 Project, 114K522. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Serhat Koloğlugil (Project Manager). 2014-2016.
“The Effect of Migration Movements on Prices: The Case of Istanbul.” TUBITAK 3501 Project. Prof. Dr. Özlem İnanç (Project Manager). 2011 - 2013.
“Intranational and International Prices Dispersion.” Isik University Scientific Research Projects. Prof. Dr. Özlem Inanc (Project Coordinator). 2009-2011.
“Analysis of Social Exclusion Risk in Şile and Social Program Recommendations.” Işık University Scientific Research Projects. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sevinç Rende (Project Coordinator).