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The Department of Psychology has a new research laboratory completed in 2011. The laboratory is available for use by department members and students for research projects and methods courses.

The laboratory has nine units of various sizes. One of these is reserved for the eye movement laboratory and the other for studies with small groups.

Experimental Psychology

The laboratory was established with studies such as cognitive psychology, experimental social psychology, experimental clinical research and learning research in mind. For this purpose, new PC and CRT monitor equipment is available in each laboratory (for optimal stimulus presentation).

The full version of E-Prime 2 Professional is installed on all laboratory PCs for use in stimulus presentation and data collection. This program is the most common experimental psychology software in the world and is relatively easy to use. Therefore, students can use E-Prime in their final year research projects. The response box, which is compatible with the program, is suitable for recording precise reaction time, vocal responses, and controlling the stimulus-presentation time more precisely.


Psychophysiology Laboratory                       Eye Tracking Laboratory