A wide range of scientific, educational and social activities that we can proudly announce are carried out in our Department in order to develop and implement the Science of Psychology.
Our department has been accredited by FEDEK (Commission for Evaluation and Accreditation of Curricula of Faculties of Science, Literature, Arts and Sciences, Language and Geography) for the period of 19 February 2022 - 30 September 2024. FEDEK is an independent organization based on national and international quality standards and recognized by YÖK as a national quality assurance institution. In the process of evaluating undergraduate programs, FEDEK evaluates criteria such as Students, Program Outcomes, Curriculum, Teaching Staff, Infrastructure, Institutional Support and Monetary Resources.
One of the most important features of our department is the importance given to research. As mentioned in the 'Research and Projects' section, our professors and students are able to conduct various researches. In addition, our students can participate in the studies they are interested in as student assistants. In the past years, many of our students have participated in our professors' research in the laboratory and in the field.
One of the achievements we are proud of is our research laboratory, which was completed in 2011. The laboratory is used by department members and students for experimental-cognitive psychology, psychophysiology, neuropsychology research-projects and methods courses. Consisting of nine units of different sizes and equipped with various devices, one room is reserved for the eye movement laboratory and the other for small group work.
In addition, we have a first-class library with all kinds of resources for our students, 24 hours of uninterrupted service and easy access to information technologies.
One of the features that we are proud of is the Psychology Bulletin called 'Psikomedya' published by our students on the internet. This newsletter is run by our very active Psychology Club, which organizes events such as seminars and workshops. Our bulletin, which also allows audio-video display, is currently unique to Işık University Psychology Department.
With the aforementioned features, Işık Psychology Program provides its students with the opportunity to gain scientific knowledge and play an active role in research, as well as designing psychological empowerment and service projects, collaborating with Non-Governmental Organizations, and aims to contribute to the development of individual or teamwork skills through club activities, which are very important for the education of young people.