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Building Earthquake Safety Report and Risky Building Detection Report

Our citizens who want to get a report for their buildings should send an e-mail to If you do not have static and reinforced concrete projects of your building, you can obtain these projects by applying to your municipality.

ışık üniversitesi
Building Assessment 

The evaluation of buildings is a subject that requires expertise. During the preparation of the projects undertaken by Işık University, we work with an expert academic team that will contribute to the technical analysis and evaluation stages. Our university provides various reports for the evaluation of buildings.

  • Earthquake safety report: It is a report showing whether the structural system of the building is safe or not according to the relevant articles of the Turkish Building Earthquake Regulation, which was published on Sunday, March 18, 2018, with the number 30364 and entered into force as of January 01, 2019. A three-dimensional finite element model of the building is created by considering the existing material properties, soil conditions, foundation type, loads acting on the building and analyzed according to the Turkey Building Earthquake Regulation and it is decided whether the building is safe under earthquake impact. Detailed information is given below.
  • Risky building detection report: Within the scope of Law No. 6306 on the Transformation of Areas Under Disaster Risk, this is the report showing whether your building is risky or not. Detailed information is given below.
  • Open structuring options
  • Building current condition assessment report: In this report, where the current condition of the building and its structural system elements are evaluated, deficiencies, cracks and damages are determined as a result of on-site inspections.
  • Building static project control report: This report shows whether the static project of the building complies with the regulations in force in the year it was built.
How is Isik University Building Earthquake Safety Assessment Performed? 

The steps taken to determine the risk status of your building in accordance with the Turkish Building Earthquake Regulations 2018 are listed below.

  • If the static/reinforced concrete projects of the building are available, it is checked on-site whether they are compatible with the structural system of the building. If the projects are not compatible or if the projects of the building are not available, a structural system survey is made. 
  • If the ground report of the building is not available, the ground class of the land where the building is located is determined by ground survey.
  • The type, diameter and corrosion status of reinforcing steel are determined by stripping the columns, walls and beams. Reinforcement is also determined by using non-destructive methods. 
  • An investigation pit is dug to determine the foundation system.
  • In order to determine the existing concrete strength of the building, a sufficient number of cores are taken from each floor of the building, and the compressive strength of these cores is determined by concrete compression test in the laboratory environment. In addition, if necessary, reinforcement is taken, and material properties are determined by steel tensile test.
  • A three-dimensional finite element model of the building is created considering the determined material properties, soil conditions, foundation type and loads acting on the building. Performance evaluation of the building is carried out in accordance with Chapter 15 of 2018 Turkey Building Regulations.
  • An earthquake safety report is prepared in the light of the data obtained, and it is clearly stated in the report whether the building is safe under earthquake effect.
How is the Işık University Risky Building Detection Report prepared? 

The steps taken to determine the risk status of your building in accordance with the Principles for the Determination of Risky Structures (RYTEIE 2019) are listed below.

  • If the structural system project of the building is available, it is checked whether the structural system features, element dimensions and reinforcement details are compatible with the project by on-site control. If the projects are not compatible or if the projects of the building are not available, a structural system survey is taken from the basement floors and the inspection floor.
  • If the ground report of the building is not available, the ground class of the land where the building is located is determined by ground survey.
  • Open configuration options
  • Reinforcing steel type, diameter and corrosion status are determined by stripping on columns and shear walls. Reinforcement is also determined by using non-destructive methods.
  • In order to determine the existing concrete strength of the building, a sufficient number of cores are taken from the inspection floor of the building, and the compressive strength of these cores is determined by concrete compression test in the laboratory environment.
  • A three-dimensional finite element model of the building is created by taking into account the determined material properties, soil conditions and loads acting on the building. Determination of the risk status of the building is made in accordance with the Principles for Identification of Risky Buildings (RYTEIE 2019).
  • In the light of the data obtained, a risky building determination report is prepared and it is clearly stated in the report whether the building is risky or not.