In general terms, engineering is a profession that utilizes the knowledge gained through theoretical and experimental research in mathematics and basic sciences to develop economic methods to utilize matter and energy in nature for the benefit of mankind. Mechanical Engineering is a discipline that deals with the design and production of tools, devices, machines, systems and processes that we need in daily life and production. Today, modern mechanical engineering includes the basic subjects of mechanics, thermodynamics-energy, control and materials-manufacturing, but recently, it has also started to include computer-aided design, modeling and analysis. At the same time, mechanical engineers should be seen as professionals who are responsible for designing and performing the functions defined as their duties in an efficient, safe, economical, environmentally and ethically sound manner.
It is possible to accept the mechanical engineering profession, which still has the widest working area in our country and in the world, as today's profession as well as yesterday's. First of all, it is noteworthy that its working areas and subjects are very wide. From heating installations to nuclear power plants, from bicycles to sports cars, from washing machines to petro-chemical plants, from refrigerators to ice skating rinks, every subject is of interest to mechanical engineering. Mechanical engineers can serve in R&D (Research and Development), operation, maintenance-repair, production, quality control, design, project design, marketing, contracting, consultancy and administrative duties in various units of sectors such as machinery, design and manufacturing, petro-chemical, food machinery and equipment, iron and steel, aircraft, automotive and textile industries, hydro-electric, nuclear and thermal power plants, building air conditioning.
Işık University, Department of Mechanical Engineering was established in 2007 and graduated its first mechanical engineers in 2011. Currently, the department offers four engineering undergraduate programs:
The Department also offers Mechanical Engineering Master's Programs (English) with and without thesis.
In a globalized world, English still maintains its importance as a common language used especially in technical sciences. Today, professionals who manage industrial organizations consider it necessary for engineers to have and use English language effectively. With the decision to extend the university's education and training opportunities to international students, it has been decided that the language of the programs carried out is English, taking into account that the vast majority of technical documents and resources available in mechanical engineering education are in English.
Taking advantage of the strong mechanical engineering infrastructure of the department, education/training is also carried out in Mechatronics and Automotive Engineering Programs, which have started to come to the forefront in terms of employment and applications today and overlap significantly with Mechanical Engineering subjects in terms of their content. In addition to professional knowledge and skills, the Mechanical, Mechatronics and Automotive Engineering Programs offered by the Department provide a good background for those who aim to pursue different fields in the future. In the undergraduate programs, skills such as designing, analyzing, problem solving, reasoning, concluding, creative thinking, working as a team, experimenting, and communicating are tried to be acquired by blending them with professional knowledge programmatically and systematically.
Students studying in the programs carried out in the Department of Mechanical Engineering are offered a wide range of double major (double major) and minor opportunities with other undergraduate programs carried out in departments within and outside the faculty.
Vision of Isik University, Department of Mechanical Engineering:
“To be the focus of national mechanical, mechatronics and automotive engineering education and training at undergraduate and graduate level”
The Mission of the Department is defined as follows:
To educate modern mechanical and mechatronics engineers who…
National and international accreditation studies of the undergraduate programs carried out by the Department of Mechanical Engineering are being carried out continuously. The Mechanical Engineering (English) Undergraduate Program, which graduated its first graduates in 2011, was accredited by MÜDEK(*) for the first time in July 2016 for five years and the graduates of the program were entitled to receive the EUR-ACE(**) label on their diplomas. The accreditation of the Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate Program was renewed in 2022, and the validity period was extended until 2027. In the same context, the Mechatronics Engineering Undergraduate Program, which gave its first graduates in 2016, was evaluated by MÜDEK in 2022 and the program was accredited for five years until 2027. Similar to the Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate Program, graduates of the Mechatronics Engineering Undergraduate Program are also entitled to carry the EUR-ACE label on their diplomas.
Makine Mühendisliği Bölümü tarafından yürütülmekte olan lisans programlarının ulusal ve buna bağlı olarak uluslararası akreditasyon çalışmaları aralıksız bir şekilde sürdürülmektedir. İlk mezunlarını 2011'de vermiş olan Makine Mühendisliği (İngilizce) Lisans Programı MÜDEK(*) tarafından ilk defa Temmuz 2016'da beş yıl süreyle akredite edilmiş olup program mezunları diplomalarında EUR-ACE(**) etiketi almaya hak kazanmıştır. Makine Mühendisliği Lisans Programının akreditasyon yenilemesi 2022'de yapılmış ve geçerlik süresi 2027 yılına kadar uzatılmıştır. Aynı kapsamda ilk mezunlarını 2016'da veren Mekatronik Mühendisliği Lisans Programının MÜDEK değerlendirmesi 2022 yılında yapılmış ve program 2027 yılına kadar beş yıl süreyle akredite edilmiştir. Makine Mühendisliği Lisans Programına benzer şekilde Mekatronik Mühendisliği Lisans Programı mezunları da diplomalarında EUR-ACE etiketi taşımaya hak kazanmış durumdadır.
(*)YÖK tarafından yetkinliği tanınmış bulunan, ulusal nitelikte, mühendislik programlarını değerlendirme/akreditasyon kuruluşu olup ENAEE ve IEA uluslararası mühendislik programları akreditasyon çatı örgütlerinin de aktif bir üyesidir. (**)EUR-ACE etiketi ENAEE tarafından yetkilendirilmiş olan akreditasyon kuruluşlarının (örneğin MÜDEK) akredite ettiği mühendislik lisans programlarına verilen bir sertifika olup o program mezunlarına ait diplomaların ENAEE'ye üye Avrupa ülkelerinin ilgili kurumları tarafından tanınırlığını sağlamak açısından önemlidir.