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Electrical and Electronics Engineering

The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, one of the first engineering departments of Işık University, was established in 1996 and has been graduating since 2000. The department offers two undergraduate programs: Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Biomedical Engineering. The Biomedical Engineering program started to admit students in 2011. The department also offers minor and double major programs to other departments of the university. At the graduate level, Electronic Engineering master's and doctoral programs are carried out. The medium of instruction in all programs is English.

The mission of the department is to provide education and training in the current issues of Electrical-Electronics and Biomedical Engineering in order to raise engineers who can produce and apply the knowledge and technologies needed at national and international level, who are entrepreneurial, sensitive to universal values and who have internalized professional ethics.

Our Electrical and Electronics Engineering undergraduate program has been accredited by MÜDEK* for 5 years starting from May 1, 2016. On September 30, 2022, our program was accredited for the second time until September 30, 2027, and graduates receive the EUR-ACE** label on their diplomas.

  • (*) MÜDEK is recognized as a national quality assurance organization by the Higher Education Quality Council for the accreditation of engineering programs.
  • (**) The EUR-ACE label ensures that the diplomas are recognized by the relevant institutions of the European member countries of the EDAEE (European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education) and the member countries of the IEA (International Engineering Alliance) - Washington Accord platform.

Elektrik-Elektronik Mühendisliği Lisans programımız, 1 Mayıs 2016 tarihinde başlamak üzere MÜDEK* tarafından 5 yıllığına akredite edilmiştir. 30 Eylül 2022 tarihinde, 30 Eylül 2027 tarihine kadar ikinci kez akredite edilen programımız mezunları diplomalarında EUR-ACE** etiketi almaktadır.

(*) MÜDEK, mühendislik programlarının akreditasyonu konusunda Yükseköğretim Kalite Kurulu tarafından ulusal bir kalite güvence kuruluşu olarak tanınmaktadır.

(**) EUR-ACE etiketi, diplomaların EDAEE'ye (European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education) üye Avrupa ülkelerinin ve IEA (International Engineering Allience) - Washington Accord platformuna üye ülkelerinin ilgili kurumları tarafından tanınırlığını sağlamaktadır.