Internship Dates
- Internships are done during academic holidays. Work done on Sundays and public holidays is not counted within the internship period. The internship period is exactly 20 working days. It cannot be more or less. After the start of the internship, the internship period can be extended with the approval of the employer and the approval of Işık University Personnel Department.
- Only pending students can do an internship during the academic year, provided that they have at least 3 full working days of free time per week (no class or practice during the day). Senior students who take courses from summer school can do internship work with 3 full free days per week. (The dates written in the Internship Evaluation document are taken as reference.)
Internship Location
The first internship (CE290 and CE290T) is a construction site internship, and the second internship (CE390 and CE390T) is an office internship. An internship is a trial of working life. Meeting with companies to secure an internship can be likened to a first job application. For this reason, please pay attention to the interviews you will make for internship.
For Application
- The INTERNSHIP APPLICATION FORM can be used in the internship application if requested by the employer. This is an optional form that will be sent only if the company wants to know whether your internship is compulsory or not.
- The student fills out 3 original copies of the COMPULSORY - VOLUNTARY INTERNSHIP FORM and 1 copy of the INTERNSHIP STUDENT EMPLOYER INFORMATION FORM and has them signed by the employer.
- At least 20 days before the start date of the internship, the student submits these forms, together with 1 copy of his/her ID card and 2 passport size photographs, respectively, to the Civil Engineering Department. Department of Civil Engineering and then to the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Engineering. As the last step, these forms are submitted to the Personnel Department of Işık University for approval.
- After the internship application is approved, the internship can be done at this workplace. Internships for which approval processes are not completed will not be accepted.
Starting the Internship
- The intern student will go to the workplace with 1 Internship Evaluation Certificate and do his/her internship. If the internship company requests a document stating that the insurance will be covered by the university, this document can be obtained from the Faculty Secretary. It is recommended that you prepare your INTERNSHIP REPORT during your internship and have it approved together with your INTERNSHIP EVALUATION DOCUMENT.
After Internship
- At the end of the internship, the internship evaluation document is filled in and approved by the workplace official and placed in a sealed envelope, the envelope is signed on top; it can be hand-delivered to the intern student or sent to Işık University Civil Engineering Department by mail. It can also be sent to the Department by mail.
- The Internship Report, which is prepared in accordance with the Internship Report Preparation Guidelines and approved by the workplace official, is hand-delivered to the Civil Engineering Department Research Assistants by the end of Add-Drop Week after the academic year starts.
- Along with the Internship Report; COMPULSORY - VOLUNTARY INTERNSHIP FORM and INTERNSHIP EVALUATION DOCUMENT in a sealed envelope must also be submitted. In the absence of these documents, the report will not be accepted.
- The Internship Report can be prepared in English or Turkish (English and Turkish cannot be mixed).