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Internship Regulation


This Internship Directive specifies the general principles to be followed in compulsory internships within the scope of undergraduate or associate degree education or compulsory internships required by the course in accordance with the principles determined in the relevant education and training regulations in the programs of Işık University Faculties and Vocational Schools.


2.1 Internships are foreseen to see the application of the theoretical knowledge received in undergraduate / associate degree education in practical working life. They are practical studies to be carried out in private or public workplaces working on the applications of a specific field in Turkey or abroad, the time, duration and subject to be determined by the departments / programs in line with the principles stated here.

2.2 Internships are usually done during academic holidays. Senior students who are free at least three full working days a week (no lectures, laboratories, problem hours, project presentations, midterm, final or make-up exams on the relevant days) can do internship work during the academic year and summer teaching period.


3.1 Domestic and foreign public and private workplaces that have notified the internship student quota and whose internship areas are deemed appropriate by the relevant department / program chairmanship are announced to the students by the department / program chairs and distributed according to student applications.

3.2 Internship placements provided and proposed by the students themselves are accepted if deemed appropriate by the department / program chairs. It is mandatory that at least two full-time staff must be working in the relevant unit of the institution proposed for internship, which is approved by the department / program chairs.

3.3 An internship period of maximum 20 working days may be carried out in university laboratories or application centers of other universities, if the need or benefit is demonstrated by the departments/programs.


4.1The student, whose internship place is approved, completes the necessary social security procedures at least 20 days before the internship and submits the “Compulsory Internship Form” to the relevant units.

4.2 The student prepares an “Internship Report” in Turkish (English in overseas internships or in cases deemed appropriate by the institution authority) according to the principles determined by the department / program about the work done during the internship. The internship report is approved by the internship site authority.

4.3 Upon completion of the internship, the student receives the “Internship Evaluation Document” filled out and approved by the authorized supervisor of the internship institution in a sealed envelope and submits it to the department / program secretariat together with the internship report and the “Compulsory Internship Form”, a copy of which is in his/her possession, until the end of the add-drop week of the following semester at the latest.

4.4 The department/program may supervise the work of the students at the internship sites when necessary.

4.5 If a letter indicating that the internship work is compulsory is requested by the internship place, this letter is given to the student with the signature of the dean or Vocational School director / department / program head.


5.1 Department/program boards select the person or persons who will prepare the internship report and general internship evaluation from among their own faculty members and staff. The secretarial work of the internship evaluations is carried out by the secretariat of the department / program chairmanship.

5.2 The evaluation is made within one month at the latest. As a result of the evaluation, the internship is accepted, correction is requested or rejected. The internship documents for which corrections are requested must be submitted by the student until the date of withdrawal from the course at the latest after the necessary corrections have been made.

5.3 If the internship report is accepted, this is indicated with a grade of P in the student's transcript.

5.4 Accepted internship reports are kept for at least two years by the relevant department / program head.

5.5 In the evaluation of internship documents and exemption from internships, the Faculty or Vocational School boards are authorized in cases other than the issues described above.


6.1 When there is a compulsory internship in the programs in the Faculties and Vocational School or a compulsory internship for the course, the Faculties and Vocational School determine the following issues regarding the internship and announce them on the relevant web pages:

  • i)Number and duration of internships
  • ii) Prerequisites for internship
  • iii) Areas for internship
  • iv) Conditions for counting Sundays and public holidays to the internship period

6.2 Işık University considers internship experience as an important tool for the development of its students and their preparation for professional life. The University covers the Social Security premiums for all internships done in accordance with this directive, when requested by the student.