- You can find the writing rules of the internship reports and the internship report draft in both Turkish and English in the appendix. Please read the rules carefully and without skipping. When writing the report, all the rules must be followed.
- CIVL2910-Summer Practice 1 and CONSTRUCTION2910-Summer Internship 1 are the courses of the construction site internship. CIVL3910-Summer Practice 2 and CONSTRUCTION3910-Summer Internship 2 are the courses of the office internship. Please select the construction site internship course if you did a construction site internship and the office internship course if you did an office internship.
- Make sure that you have added the course of your internship to your course schedule during the semester in which you will submit your internship report.
- When submitting your internship reports; your internship report written in accordance with the rules, your compulsory internship form and your internship evaluation document that you will bring sealed in a sealed envelope are required. All specified documents must be SIGNED. Otherwise, your internship will not be accepted.
- You can find all the documents required for submission in the annex.
The writing rules to be followed in the preparation of internship reports are given below:
- The report should be written on (210x297mm) white A4 paper.
- No section in the report should be skipped and should be written in the shortest possible way. All text and figures should be prepared as computer printouts. Diagrams, figures and pictures that are difficult to draw on the computer can be added to the appendices section at the end of the report.
- Reports should be written in Arial 11 (headings 13 and/or 15) or Times New Roman 12 (headings 14 and/or 16) font size.
- All pages, tables and figures should be numbered. Figures and tables should be as close as possible to the first mention in the text.
- The name of the figure should be written below the figure and the name of the table should be written above the table.
- The first page of the report should be the cover page containing the name, surname, number, department and the number of the internship of the student doing the practical work.
- The report can be written in Turkish or English.
- Reports are submitted in hardcover or in a file.
It should be in the form specified in the writing rules and contain the information given in the outline.
All sections that make up the internship file must be listed as main headings and subheadings, indicating the relevant page number.
Institution Information and Internship Program Page: In this section, there should be information about the student (number, name-surname, department), information about the institution (open name of the institution, address) and an internship program showing how many days and date intervals in which department. In addition, this section must be signed, approved and stamped by the authorized person at the internship institution. Work Done and Approval Pages: On these pages, the student writes his/her own work, the studies he/she contributed to, the subjects he/she examined, the experiences he/she gained day by day. (The details about the subjects examined, the details about the studies, the methods used in these studies, the details about the equipment used will be written in the evaluation section). Each page must be signed and approved by the supervisor or authorized person of the department where that work is done.
NOTE: Observation information will be given instead of theoretical information on the works done and approval pages.
- Preface: Provides general information about the study. It should not exceed one page.
- Introduction of the institution: he introduction of the company where the internship work is carried out, organizational structure, activities, units, personnel status, production, marketing and product information is given as briefly as possible without skipping any steps.
- Evaluation section: This is the most important section of the internship report in which information about the internship is given. In this section, the work carried out and the work summarized in the approval pages are explained in detail and the methods used in these studies, explanatory information about the equipment used, the systems and products observed, and the studies contributed are explained.
- Conclusion: The knowledge and experience gained by the internship work is explained in the conclusion section. It should not exceed 1 page.
- Appendices: Large figures and diagrams mentioned in the text of the report and other information (graphics, pictures, documents, etc. For example, you can present the technical drawings you made in your internship in this section) are added to this section. However, the appendices section should not include all unnecessary documents and information and should not be kept longer than necessary.
NOTE: The duties and contact information of the supervisors who signed the internship report and who work in the internship unit must be specified in the appendix section of the report.
Internship reports must be submitted by the end of Add - Drop Week after the semester starts. The following documents must be submitted with the Internship Reports.
If any of these documents are missing, the report will not be received