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The purpose of this document is to provide guidance for the internships that you are obliged to complete during your education at Işık University Department of Industrial Engineering. There are two internships that you are required to complete.


The purpose of the internship is to consolidate the student's academic preparation with a well-planned and supervised work experience. During the internship period, the student will find solutions to practical problems in the field of industrial engineering with academic principles. The internship is a real-life observation of Industrial Engineers and the environment in which they work. Through internships, students develop skills, gain the ability to solve various engineering problems and learn how business works. While some of these skills may have been learned in school, many of them will be new experiences that you have not learned. In this way, you can think more concretely and richly about the topics in your courses and apply these academic theories to the real world and determine their reality.

How can we apply?

First of all, please read Işık University Internship Regulations carefully. You must make sure that you apply for an internship in a company that meets the general requirements of Işık University and that you are accepted. The internship site must be a company that employs at least TWO Industrial Engineers and the internship must be in the department/unit where at least one of these engineers is working. Thematically, it is ideal to have one internship in a service-oriented company (airport, hospital, bank, etc.) and the other in a physical system-oriented company (factory, energy, retail, etc.). Internships should take place in different companies. For large companies with different functions, exceptions can be made by departmental decision, provided that the internships are done in different departments (ask your advisors for advice). Once your internship interview/application is approved, you should start the necessary paperwork process. First of all, you must send all your internship documents to the department internship coordinator (Dr. Sonya Javadi: for departmental approval. After departmental approval, you must complete the process by following the Electronic Internship Application Process below.

After the internship, an internship report must be submitted to the internship coordinator of the Department of Industrial Engineering (the internship coordinator is each student's own advisor) summarizing the internship experience, its relevance to the student's academic program, and the internship evaluation. The following template shows the sections that your report should include. Your report should be written in English in accordance with this template. Reports written in other department/university formats will not be accepted.

General Outline and Requirements (for all reports)

  • The body of the text should be well written with clear language and appropriate grammar. The report should be written in a text editor such as Microsoft Word. The development section can be written in Times New Roman font and not exceeding 12 points.
  • All reports should include a "Table of Contents" section. For this you should use the "Table of Contents" feature in Microsoft Word.
  • You should number all sections and subsections (you can use 12 or 14 point font).
  • All required sections must be clearly defined.
  • The organization definitions and duties of Industrial Engineers should be specified.
  • The report should include interviews with at least two industrial engineers (you should prepare the questions and report the answers in newspaper format).
  • The report should include an organization chart.
  • A statistical study on the number of employees working in the workplace, the breakdown of the workforce in terms of departments, working hours, annual sales, service and product types should also be included in the report.
  • All calculation descriptions must be supported by real examples.
  • There should be an appendices section with explanations of the terminology used in the report.
  • Some other topics can also be included in the report, such as production processes and technologies, workplace culture, work ethics, finance and business locations.
  • The first page of the report MUST be stamped and signed by the authorized person of the place of internship.

Second Internship Report (Additional Sections)

The most important part of the second report is to identify the problems of the organization that are relevant to industrial engineers. These problems can be unsolved problems (at least one) related to that organization. In your interviews with industrial engineers, you should be curious to identify the problems related to your department in order to find the problem that can be the subject of the final project.

You should define and describe in detail a problem that will form the basis of the topic of your Senior Project. We want you to be able to determine your senior thesis topic during your second internship.

In any case, the requirements listed above are the sections that must be included in your report.

Important Documents and Deadlines

  • Pre-internship: The relevant forms must be submitted to the dean's office at least 20 days before the start date of the internship.
  • Post Internship Internship Report and Intern Evaluation Form: Each student should prepare a report (in the format required by the department) and the internship application document in a single pdf file and upload it to the assignment on Blackboard as requested by the last day of the second week of classes. In addition, the Internship Evaluation Form, signed and stamped by the manager of the internship site, must be hand-delivered in a sealed envelope to the research assistants responsible for the internship in the department (INDE2910/3920: Şimal Demiral, INDE3910/4920: Busenur Türkali Özbek) before uploading the internship report to the system. 

Attention to those who will give INDE2910 (INDE3920) or INDE3910 (INDE4920) Internship Report:

The due date of the internship report and evaluation form is the first week of the academic semester following the internship. Reports without the evaluation form in a sealed envelope will not be accepted. After this period, the internship report will not be accepted (even if your internship report is not complete, it is essential to submit it on time with the evaluation form).

After the submission of the report, the relevant evaluation will be made and the necessary announcement for corrections, if any, will be made during the semester and you will be given time. Students who do not make these corrections by the 10th week of the semester at the latest will be definitively rejected.

Check your CCR in E-Campus to see if you have been accepted. INDE2910 (INDE3920) and/or INDE3910 (INDE4920) must have a "P" in the course section.

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