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Internship Regulations


This Internship Directive outlines the general principles to be followed in mandatory internships within undergraduate or associate degree programs at the faculties and vocational schools of Işık University, in accordance with the principles specified in the relevant education and training regulations.


2.1 Internships are designed to provide undergraduate/associate degree students with practical experience by applying their theoretical knowledge in a real working environment. The timing, duration, and subject of the internship during the academic process are determined by the departments/programs within the framework of these principles. Internships are conducted at public or private sector workplaces in Turkey or abroad, where students can gain hands-on experience in a relevant field.

2.2 Internships are generally conducted during academic breaks. Final-year students who have at least three full working days available per week (without any scheduled classes, labs, problem-solving sessions, project presentations, midterms, final exams, or make-up exams) may complete their internships during the academic year or summer term.


3.1 Internship positions offered by public and private sector organizations in Turkey and abroad, which have been deemed suitable by the relevant department/program chair, are announced to students and allocated based on student applications.

3.2 Internship positions secured and proposed by students are accepted if approved by the relevant department/program chair. The proposed institution must employ at least two full-time personnel, as deemed appropriate by the department/program chair.

3.3 A maximum of 20 working days of an internship period may be conducted in university laboratories or application centers of other universities if deemed necessary or beneficial by the department/program.


4.1Students with approved internship placements must complete the necessary social security procedures and submit the Mandatory Internship Form to the relevant units at least 20 days before the start of the internship.

4.2 During the internship, students must prepare an Internship Report in Turkish (or in English for internships conducted abroad or if deemed appropriate by the institution's authorities), in accordance with the principles set by the department/program. The Internship Report must be approved by the internship supervisor at the workplace.

4.3 Upon completing the internship, students must obtain the Internship Evaluation Form, filled out and approved by the authorized supervisor at the institution, in a sealed envelope. They must submit this form along with the Internship Report and a copy of the Mandatory Internship Form to the department/program secretary no later than the end of the Add-Drop Week of the following semester.

4.4 The department/program reserves the right to inspect students’ work at their internship sites when necessary.

4.5 If an official letter is required to confirm the mandatory nature of the internship, the department/program chair, faculty dean, or vocational school director will provide it upon request.


5.1 The department/program committees select faculty members responsible for evaluating internship reports and overall internship performance. The administrative tasks related to internship evaluations are handled by the department/program secretary.

5.2 The evaluation must be completed within one month. Based on the evaluation, the internship may be approved, returned for revision, or rejected. If revisions are required, the corrected internship documents must be resubmitted by the course withdrawal deadline.

5.3 For students whose internship reports are approved, the completion of the internship is recorded in their transcripts with a P (Pass) grade.

5.4 Approved internship reports are kept on file by the department/program chair for a minimum of two years.

5.5 In cases not covered by the above provisions, the faculty or vocational school councils have the authority to evaluate internship documents and decide on internship exemptions.


6.1 If a mandatory internship or a course-related internship is required in faculty and vocational school programs, the faculties and vocational schools will determine and announce the following details on their respective websites:

i) Number and duration of internships

ii) Prerequisites for internships

iii) Fields eligible for internships

iv) Conditions for including Sundays and public holidays in the internship period

6.2 Işık University recognizes internship experience as an essential tool for students' professional development and preparation for the workforce. The university covers the Social Security (SGK) premiums for all internships conducted in accordance with this directive, upon the student's request.