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Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
CORE0101History of Turkish Republic I22
CORE0103Turkish I22
CORE0201Nature, Science, Human I35
CORE0401Society, Science and Human34
ENGL1101Academic English 134
ITEC1001Computer Literacy01
MATH1111Calculus I45
PHYS1111Physics - Mechanics35
PHYS1113Physics - Mechanics Laboratory11
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:2130
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
COMP1103Introduction to Programming45
CORE0102History of Turkish Republic II22
CORE0104Turkish II22
CORE0106Career Planning01
CORE0202Nature, Science, Human II35
CORE0501Art, Society, Human23
ENGL1102Academic English 234
MATH1112Calculus II45
MATH1112Calculus II45
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:2635
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
CORE0107Yaratıcı Düşünme ve Problem Çözme (Creative Thinking and Problem Solving)23
CORE0402Ethics, Law and Society23
MATH2104Linear Algebra35
MATH2105Calculus III46
MECH1120Engineering Drawing46
OHES4411Occupational Health and Safety I02
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:1829
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
ENGR2102Mechanics of Materials46
MATH2107Differential Equations46
MATH2205Applied Probability and Statistics for Engineers36
OHES4412Occupational Health and Safety II02
PHYS1112Physics - Electricity And Magnetism35
PHYS1114Electricity And Magnetism Laboratory11
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:1831
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
CHEM1101General Chemistry35
ELEC2309Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering35
MECH2510Materials Science35
MECH2520Materials Science Laboratory11
MECH3111Measurements and Instrumentation23
MECH3311Fluid Mechanics35
MECH3920Industrial Training – I02
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:1831
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
MECH2130Computational Methods in Engineering35
MECH3122Mechanical Engineering Laboratory23
MECH3211Machine Design-I46
MECH3322Heat Transfer35
MECH3422Modelling and Control of Dynamic Systems35
MECH3511Manufacturing Processes35
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:1829
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
ECON1005Introduction to Economics35
ENGR4901Introduction to Design Projects11
ENGR4901Introduction to Design Projects11
MECH3224Machine Design-II35
MECH3244Theory of Machines35
MECH4330Thermo-Fluid System Design35
MECH4920Industrial Training – II03
MECH-AE-IArea Elective-I35
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:1730
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
MECH4902Graduation Design Project36
MECH-AE-IIArea Elective-II35
MECH-AE-IIIArea Elective-III35
MECH-AE-IVArea Elective-IV35
MECH-GE-IGeneral Elective-I35
MECH-GE-IIGeneral Elective-II35
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:1831

Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
CHEM1101General Chemistry35
ENGL1101Academic English 134
MATH1101Calculus I46
MATH1101Calculus I46
MECH1110Introduction to Mechanical Engineering11
MECH1120Engineering Drawing46
PHYS1101General Physics I46
PHYS1101General Physics I46
PHYS1103Physics Laboratory I12
PHYS1103Physics Laboratory I12
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:2944
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
COMP1101Introduction to Programming46
COMP1101Introduction to Programming46
ENGL1102Academic English 234
ITEC1001Computer Literacy01
MATH1102Calculus II46
MATH1102Calculus II46
MATH2104Linear Algebra35
PHYS1102General Physics II46
PHYS1102General Physics II46
PHYS1104Physics Laboratory II12
PHYS1104Physics Laboratory II12
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:3250
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
ELEC2309Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering35
MATH2105Calculus III46
MATH2205Applied Probability and Statistics for Engineers36
MECH2211Introduction to Solid Mechanics35
MECH2510Materials Science35
MECH2520Materials Science Laboratory11
TURK1201Turkish I22
TURK1201Turkish I22
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:2132
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
MATH2107Differential Equations46
MECH2120Computational Methods in Engineering46
MECH2244Mechanics of Materials35
MECH2910Summer Practice-I01
TURK1202Turkish II22
TURK1202Turkish II22
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:2132
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
ECON1005Introduction to Economics35
MECH3111Measurements and Instrumentation23
MECH3211Machine Design-I46
MECH3311Fluid Mechanics35
MECH3511Manufacturing Processes35
MECH-GE-IGeneral Elective-I35
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:1930
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
MECH3122Mechanical Engineering Laboratory23
MECH3222Machine Design-II46
MECH3244Theory of Machines35
MECH3322Heat Transfer35
MECH3422Modelling and Control of Dynamic Systems35
MECH3910Summer Practice-II01
MECH-AE-IArea Elective-I35
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:1830
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
ENGR4901Introduction to Design Projects11
ENGR4901Introduction to Design Projects11
HIST1101History of Turkish Republic I22
HIST1101History of Turkish Republic I22
MECH4330Thermo-Fluid System Design35
MECH-AE-IIArea Elective-II35
MECH-AE-IIIArea Elective-III35
MECH-GE-IIGeneral Elective-II35
MECH-GE-IIIGeneral Elective-III35
OHES4411Occupational Health and Safety I02
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:2133
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
HIST1102History of Turkish Republic II22
MECH4902Graduation Design Project36
MECH-AE-IVArea Elective-IV35
MECH-AE-VArea Elective-V35
MECH-GE-IVGeneral Elective-IV35
MECH-GE-VGeneral Elective-V35
OHES4412Occupational Health and Safety II02
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:1730