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Registration Renewal


 2022-2023 Academic Year Spring Semester course registrations for students enrolled in Associate / Undergraduate / Graduate programs of our university will be administered through the E-Campus system ( based on the dates specified in the academic calendar.
Course registration- Click here to view the E-campus User Manual which was prepared to help you with your course selection process.
Our registration system will welcome all our students on 21.02.2023 at 09:00 and will be closed for course selection at 17.00 on 24.02.2023.
Spring Semester classes start on 27 February 2023 (Online)
-        Course registration procedures will be carried out by our students, including the students who registered to our University for the first time in the spring semester of the 2022-2023 academic year. Course registration will not be done automatically by the system.
-        Exceptional application: At the end of the 2022-2023 academic semester, students who have passed the preparatory program and are admitted to undergraduate programs (students who have paid their tuition fees) will be assigned an automatic course schedule by the system. They can follow the procedure via the E-campus system.
Tuesday, 21.02.2023, Spring Semester Course Registrations of 4th Year Undergraduate - 2nd Year Associate Degree - Graduate Students
22.02.2023 Wednesday, 3rd year undergraduate - 1st year associate degree - Spring Semester course registrations of graduate students
23.02.2023 Thursday, 2nd year undergraduate - Spring Semester course registrations of all associate degree - graduate students
24.02.2023 Friday, 1st year undergraduate - all associate degree students - Spring Semester course registrations of graduate students
06-10.03.2023 Monday - Friday, Online course add/drop and late registration period for all students.
To view our regulations and guidelines:
Maximum Number of Credits That Can Be Obtained (Associate Degree/Undergraduate)
The regular course load is 30 ECTS credits. Students in the first-year status based on the credits they have completed cannot enroll in excess course load. For students with a GPA of 2.49 and lower, the maximum course load in a semester is 31 ECTS credits. For students with a GPA in the range of 2.50-3.49, the maximum course load in a semester is 37 ECTS credits.  For students with a GPA of 3.50 and higher, the maximum course load in a semester is 43 ECTS credits. The maximum course load in a semester for students in the DMM program is 45 ECTS credits.
For students in the Minor program, the maximum course load in a semester is 37 ECTS credits; however, Article 14-(5) may apply to students with a GPA of 3.50 or higher. Students in DMM and Minor programs can only select their excess course loads from the courses in DMM or Minor programs.
For further information, please click: (Article 14)
Precedence Rules
For undergraduate and associate degree students: Students must re-enroll in the F grade course in the first semester in which the course is offered.  In cases where the student cannot re-enroll in all F courses due to other restrictions in this directive, the courses in the previous semesters of the student's curriculum are repeated first.   The student may repeat the courses with DD or DC grades at any time, based the other limitations in this directive.  Courses with grades CC and higher cannot be repeated. 
For further information, please click: (Article 12)
For graduate students:  Courses that are completed with a grade of CB or higher in Master’s and BB or higher in Doctoral programs  cannot be repeated.  
For further information, please click: (Article 28)
Due to the differences in the course selections of our graduate school students in Distance Education and Formal education programs, they should contact their advisors to complete the course enrollment process and get information from their secretariats.
It is essential that the student enrolls in the courses in a way that does not result in conflicts in the weekly course schedule. In compulsory cases, a maximum of two courses may be allowed to overlap one hour each.  In case of conflicts, it is the student's responsibility to fulfill the attendance requirements.
For further information, please click: (Article 18)
The maximum number of students who can enroll in the course sections and the set of students who can take the course are determined by the programs that offer the course. In case of compulsory registration for courses whose quota is not suitable, the positive opinion of the student's advisor and the approval of the program offering the course are requested.
For further information, please click: (Article 13)

Enrolling in Courses from Higher Semesters
Students must register for the courses in the curriculum, arranged on a semester basis. In cases where graduation is delayed or in cases where the courses in the series are not offered, the student can take the courses from the higher semesters in the curriculum upon the approval of the advisor.
For further information, please click: (Article 17)
Late Registration
 Students who cannot register for courses on the regular time period specified in the  academic calendar can  register for courses during  the  course add/drop period  by fulfilling their  financial obligations.   Additional financial obligations related to late registration are determined by the Board of Trustees.
(Announcement link extra charge)
For further information, please click: (Article 8)
Registration Based on Credit Fees
Students who have completed all courses in the program, except for 15 or fewer ECTS, pay a fee per credit instead of a full semester fee.  Students who cannot take more than 15 ECTS credits in a semester since the courses they can take are not offered or do not meet the prerequisites can pay a fee per credit.
For further information, please click: (Article 6)


Please contact with Department of Financial Affairs: and/or 
Students who have not fulfilled their financial obligations during registration should contact the Financial Affairs Department ( and for fees and payments in the first place.
 The Registrar's Office does not have authority in this regard. The course enrollment system is enabled by the Financial Affairs based on the bank verifications. Course enrollments are enabled following the confirmation process of the Financial Affairs.
 Other Issues Related to Course Registration:
* The Quota Administrator is the academician who determines the quota of the course authorized by the Academic Units, and the process of increasing or decreasing the quota is carried out by the Quota Manager via E-campus. Quota requests can be made by contacting the quota administrator.
*  During course selection, you should contact your advisor, who is assigned to you by your academic unit. The name of your academic advisor is stated on your personal page on the student information system.
Passive Status
After the completion of the course enrollments, the status of the students who have not selected courses or who have not fulfilled their financial obligations, or who have not completed the process will be considered “passive” (unregistered) in accordance with the relevant YÖK legislation.
Students who are in “passive status” in accordance with the relevant legislation: They cannot obtain documents from e-Devlet or our University. They cannot benefit from student rights.